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Fluid Separation

For temperatures tex2html_wrap_inline14665 the fluid was seen to separate into two immiscible fluids as described in [9, 38]. This is illustrated in figure 4-2 which shows the value of the order parameter tex2html_wrap_inline12083



for tex2html_wrap_inline12111 and T = 0.4 on a 128 by 128 site grid. The shading is proportional to tex2html_wrap_inline12083 with black represents tex2html_wrap_inline14849 and light grey represents tex2html_wrap_inline14851 . Initially the fluid is completely mixed with tex2html_wrap_inline14853 everywhere and tex2html_wrap_inline12083 set randomly to a value in the range ( tex2html_wrap_inline14857 ). After 1,000 time-steps the fluid has begun to separate into small regions of each fluid although the value of tex2html_wrap_inline14859 is smaller than its final value in each fluid. After 2,000 time-steps the fluid has separated into many small areas of one fluid within the other. At this stage tex2html_wrap_inline14859 has almost reached its final value although there is some variation within each fluid. By 4,000 time steps tex2html_wrap_inline14859 is constant in each fluid. For times greater than 2,000 time-steps the small areas of fluid move around slowly and collide with each other to produce larger areas. The size of the interface is about ten lattice steps but can be altered by changing the interfacial energy tex2html_wrap_inline12095 [9].

James Buick
Tue Mar 17 17:29:36 GMT 1998