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The Classical Boltzmann Equation

A statistical description of a system can be made in terms of the distribution function tex2html_wrap_inline12899 [11, 12, 13] where tex2html_wrap_inline12899 is defined such that tex2html_wrap_inline12907 is the number of molecules at time t positioned between tex2html_wrap_inline12911 and tex2html_wrap_inline12913 which have velocities in the range tex2html_wrap_inline12915 .

Consider a gas in which an external force tex2html_wrap_inline12917 acts and assume initially that no collisions take place between the gas molecules. In time tex2html_wrap_inline12919 the velocity tex2html_wrap_inline12921 of any molecule will change to tex2html_wrap_inline12923 and its position tex2html_wrap_inline12911 will change to tex2html_wrap_inline12927 . Thus the number of molecules tex2html_wrap_inline12907 is equal to the number of molecules tex2html_wrap_inline12931 , that is to say,


If, however, collisions do occur between the molecules there will be a net difference between the number of molecules tex2html_wrap_inline12931 and the number of molecules tex2html_wrap_inline12907 . This can be written [11] tex2html_wrap_inline12957 where tex2html_wrap_inline12893 is the collision operator. This gives the following equation describing the evolution of the distribution function:


Dividing equation (2.2) by tex2html_wrap_inline12985 and letting tex2html_wrap_inline12987 gives the Boltzmann equation [11, 12]




The fluid density tex2html_wrap_inline12075 , velocity tex2html_wrap_inline12875 and internal energy e can be found from the distribution function f as follows [11]:


where m is the molecular mass and tex2html_wrap_inline13033 is the peculiar velocity tex2html_wrap_inline13035 , the particle velocity with respect to the fluid flow. The internal energy can be shown [11] to be


where T is the temperature and tex2html_wrap_inline13039 is Boltzmann's constant.

Any solution of Boltzmann's equation (2.3) requires that an expression is found for the collision operator tex2html_wrap_inline12893 . Without knowing the form of tex2html_wrap_inline12893 there are however several properties which can be deduced. If the collision is to conserve mass, momentum and energy it is required that


The terms tex2html_wrap_inline13049 , i=0, ..., 4 where tex2html_wrap_inline13053 , tex2html_wrap_inline13055 , tex2html_wrap_inline13057 , tex2html_wrap_inline13059 and tex2html_wrap_inline13061 are frequently called the elementary collision invariants since tex2html_wrap_inline13063 [12]. Any linear combination of the tex2html_wrap_inline13049 terms is also a collision invariant.

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James Buick
Tue Mar 17 17:29:36 GMT 1998