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The Contribution to e from the Discrete Lattice

To asses the size of this error the values of the curve in equation (7.1) were calculated, using the typical parameters: tex2html_wrap_inline16271 , tex2html_wrap_inline16273 , tex2html_wrap_inline16275 , tex2html_wrap_inline16277 and c=128, at times tex2html_wrap_inline16281 , i = 1, 2, ..., 1000. The sum of the square of the difference between these 1000 values and their nearest integer value was then calculated and found to be 60.2. This is the value of e produced solely by the spatially discrete nature of the model. The values of e obtained from the curve fitting process are not significantly larger suggesting that equation (7.1) correctly describes the interface and that the fitted parameters are reasonably accurate.

James Buick
Tue Mar 17 17:29:36 GMT 1998