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Continuous Density Variation

The equations in the preceding section describe interfacial waves at a sharp interface between two immiscible fluids. The density has a discontinuity at the interface taking a value tex2html_wrap_inline15645 at tex2html_wrap_inline15707 and tex2html_wrap_inline15647 at tex2html_wrap_inline15711 . In many situations this model may have some shortcomings since there will normally be a small, but finite, region around the interface where the density changes smoothly from tex2html_wrap_inline15645 to tex2html_wrap_inline15647 . To investigate this phenomenon we will look at the theory for internal waves in a fluid with a continuously varying density and then find the solutions for our desired density distribution. Following references [69, 71] the Sturm-Liouville equation will be derived which can then be solved numerically for the required density distribution.

Here we assume, as in the two-fluid case, that the fluid is incompressible, irrotational and homogeneous. We also make the Boussinesq approximation. This assumes that density variations are small and can be neglected in so far as they affect inertia, but retained in the buoyancy terms where they appear in combination with gravity. The density is given by tex2html_wrap_inline15717 where tex2html_wrap_inline15719 is the mean density and tex2html_wrap_inline15721 is the density fluctuation due to waves motion. Now the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations are


Since the fluid is assumed to be incompressible we can also write


Substituting tex2html_wrap_inline15723 into equation (6.18) and assuming, as before, that the velocities are small and that tex2html_wrap_inline15725 is also small so we can neglect second-order terms in tex2html_wrap_inline15725 , u, w and their derivatives, we get


Differentiating the second of these equations with respect to z and the third with respect to x and noting that tex2html_wrap_inline15737 we get


Equating the two terms for tex2html_wrap_inline15739 and differentiating with respect to t and x yields


Finally we can apply the Boussinesq approximation and set the right hand side of equation (6.22) to zero since variations in the density are only important when they occur in combination with gravity. Now from equations (6.20) and (6.19) we have tex2html_wrap_inline15745 and tex2html_wrap_inline15747 . Thus equation (6.22) can be re-written in terms of the mean density tex2html_wrap_inline15749 and the z-component of velocity w as


We look for solutions of equation (6.23) of the form


which when substituted into equation (6.23) gives


where tex2html_wrap_inline15755 where tex2html_wrap_inline15757 is the wave celerity and tex2html_wrap_inline15759 where N(z) is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency,


Equation (6.25) is the Sturm-Liouville equation and it can not, in general, be solved analytically. It is however known [72] that, provided P(z) > 0, tex2html_wrap_inline15765 and R(z) > 0, the Sturm-Liouville equation has an infinite number of real, positive eigen-value solutions tex2html_wrap_inline15769 each with eigen-functions tex2html_wrap_inline15771 Each of the eigen-functions tex2html_wrap_inline15773 having n+1 extremes in the z-range in which tex2html_wrap_inline12075 is defined. For each mode (n=0, 1, ...) there is a unique relationship between the celerity, tex2html_wrap_inline15779 and the wave number k, this relationship is referred to as the dispersion relation of that mode. If we now write the x-velocity in the same form


then, from the incompressibility equation (6.19), we find


If we define




This density distribution is similar to that of the two-layer model except now the interface is no longer sharp but has a finite size l. The density changes linearly from tex2html_wrap_inline15645 to tex2html_wrap_inline15647 across the interface. The lowest mode (n=0) gives a similar motion to the two-layer model while the higher modes give perturbations to the motion within the interfacial region l. To demon straight the difference between the two models the Sturm-Liouville equation was solved [73] for tex2html_wrap_inline15795 , tex2html_wrap_inline15797 , g=0.00015, tex2html_wrap_inline15801 , tex2html_wrap_inline15803 and l = 5. These are of a similar order to the values used later in the lattice Boltzmann simulations. The velocities and wave frequency were also calculated from equations (6.15) - (6.17) for the two-layer model. The z-velocity was found to be virtually the same at all depths for the two models. The x-velocity was also almost identical except in the interface region. The difference between the velocities predicted by the two models is shown in figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1: The x-velocity predicted by the two-layer model and the continuous model in the region of the interface.

The values of the frequency tex2html_wrap_inline15669 , calculated for the two-layer model and the continuous model were tex2html_wrap_inline15815 and tex2html_wrap_inline15817 respectively, a difference of about 2.5%.

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James Buick
Tue Mar 17 17:29:36 GMT 1998